Friday, October 26, 2012

A Fresh Start

I am so thankful that each day I can get up and start new - "A Fresh Start". 

I never quite accomplish all I want to in a day, so instead of dwelling on the negative I go to bed knowing, God willing, that I will have the opportunity for "A Fresh Start" the next day.

My granddaughter, Britney, has also given me "A Fresh Start" on my blog.  I struggle with much of it so I called on her to help me out.  After some great work on her part, I have a new logo, a new banner, some behind the scenes work, and a whole new look.  For me that means "A Fresh Start".

Britney spent lots of time gathering information from me so that she would have a good feel of what I wanted on my blog.  I believe that she has gotten to know her G'ma better through the process and I am so very pleased with the results.  The pictures she chose so represent the things that I am involved in - sewing, baking/cooking, re-purposing furniture, and the picture of the sunset was one of mine...

I love watching the sun set.  The picture on my blog was taken one night as I was leaving a church meeting on the Old Mission Peninsula.  I feel so blessed each time I get to witness such beauty from that place, high on a hill, nestled between two bays.   It is also the setting of the cemetery where my mother's grave is.   Each time I witness an awesome sunsets from that place, I feel as if I'm standing on the edge of glory.  So the sunset picture represents, for me, my acknowledgement of God's awesome creation and the pure enjoyment I get from watching it unfold across the sky in this beautiful area that I call home.

This is "A Fresh Start" - a new beginning for my blog.  Britney has it all set up, so now all that's needed is for her G'ma to get to blogging.   So here I  go......

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