Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cherry Aprons

I live in "cherry country" so we like to include cherries in lots of things - cookies, pies, muffins, cakes, aprons - yes, even aprons.  I love this cherry print fabric so I made a few aprons with it.  Today they're going to be finding a new home at The Red Dresser - An Eclectic Boutique in Traverse City, Michigan.  They will be part of a "Cherry Festival" display.  How fun is that!

The weather wasn't very kind to our cherry crops in our area this year - Jack Frost took a big bite out of it.  There might not be an abundance of the fruit to enjoy this year but we will continue to promote those beautiful red cherries whenever and wherever we can.   Stop by the local fruit stands and support our local farmers, and browse through some shops and support some local crafters, as well.  :)

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