Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sew Pray.....

I used to enjoy what I called a "Prayer Drive" - those times that I'd be driving back and forth to work, meetings, shopping - a time spent away from everything else to spend in prayer.  
I found it easy to pray in that setting while away from other distractions.  At home I so often get distracted by all the things I should or could to be getting done - it's too easy to let the thought of dishes or the laundry get in the way of good quality prayer time. 
I'm not behind the wheel as often as I used to be and have missed those "Prayer Drives".  These days I find myself spending a lot of time at the sewing machine and have found a new prayer life - it's call "Sew Pray".
It doesn't matter if I slide in behind the wheel of the car or slide my chair up to the sewing machine, I still need to get from point A to point B in what I'm doing.  As soon as I put the "pedal to the metal" my thoughts are pulled away from my list of things to do around the house and placed on the drive (sewing project) in front of me.
Life is filled with so many joys and concerns that I really enjoy that time to pray about them - not just a few minutes of time set aside for the purpose of praying, but sometimes whole days that allow my heart and mind to be in prayer - lifting people and circumstances as I think of them.  Praying for friends and loved ones near and far.  Asking for help for those that I don't even know, but know of.  Celebrating all of life's little blessings along the way. 
I used to wonder how I arrived at my destination on my "Prayer Drive", and now sometimes I'm amazed at the amount of sewing that gets done without my focus really being on it.   Somehow I always seem to get from point A to point B without any problems - I'm thinking I'm in some pretty good hands at those times.
Going to work these days is sliding my chair up to the sewing machine and I am happy to say that it has  become a special time.  I leave all my distractions behind and "Sew Pray"...............

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Apron Day

It was a nice surprise yesterday to stop in at The Red Dresser and see that Lily (my vintage dress form) wasn't wearing one of my aprons - they had sold.  So it was back to the sewing machine today so that I can take another new apron down to put on her.

I had purchased some brown polka dot fabric and a pink & brown print to try on an apron so today was the day.  I am more of a black & white person but I'm really liking this brown/cream/pink combo.  I made two - it's just as easy to cut out, assemble, and make two at a time if the fabric is on hand, and it was.

Brown/Cream/Pink Apron
I also made another with the pink zebra print that sold off from Lily.  :)
Black/White/Pink Apron
I don't usually even wear an apron but I sure do have fun creating them.  :)