Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Photos...

I needed a break from my sewing room so thought I'd work on organizing some  pictures and trying to post a few.   Here goes... I was going to say "here goes nothing" but I'm hoping it turns out to be "something... here goes something..."

Here are some of the tote bags and diaper pouches on display at the last craft show that I did.

This is a shot of some of the diaper pouches.

Here are some of the tote bags.

Now for the fun, little "Scrappy Bags."

"Cross my Heart" pins ( I need to take some individual pictures as there are several designs).

"A Piece of the Past" baby blanket with a vintage hankie stitched in the center of a vintage tablecloth - there is pink fabric behind the tablecloth so the color will show through the cut work in the design.  It is also backed in pink.

...and another...
This one is a 36x36 vintage tablecloth with blue behind it to show through the cut work in the design.

This one is four vintage napkins stitched onto a pink background.
(I know these are hard to see in the photos)

I almost the right of the heart pins are bundles of Burp Cloths - a bundle of three that have
fabric stitched down the center of prefolded diapers to dress them up a bit.  The fabrics coordinate with the Hamper Liners, as well as some of the tote bags and diaper pouches.

There's a sampling of some of the things that I have been working on.  I'll post my new designs as I get to them.  I'm thinking I need a little time to clean and organize before the next crafting run...I have this funny thing of little pieces of thread finding their way throughout the house.  It may be time to do some vacuuming.  

I've been working on organizing my small sewing room so that it will be easier to work in.  I'm signing up for a May 5th craft show in our area, though, so I won't be putting the crafting on hold for long.  I'm thinking there are some mom's that will be needing a pretty flower pin for Mother's Day, maybe some fun things for the 4th of July... The gears just keep turning, so I just need to hurry and get things cleaned up and organized so I can PLAY!!!

What do you make?

While I try to figure out this whole blog thing, I think I should post some pictures as I've had several people asking, "What do you make?".  I also had a call from my hubby today asking if I had pictures on my blog that he could show a gal at work - nope, not yet.  I guess I should fix that.

My GOAL (remember, my last post was about setting goals) is to start posting items with prices under a separate tab - just haven't quite figured that out, yet (remember, I said that I'm not very techy).

My sewing/crafting started with the Memory Blankets and then went on to me looking for a laundry hamper for our new grand baby.  I couldn't find anything cute in the stores and if I found anything at all they were priced out of my range.  That's when I created  "Hamper Liners" that fit a tall kitchen wastebasket - perfect size for a little one's laundry hamper, toy basket, or a cute hamper to fit any smaller space.  I actually made two for baby Emma and included little handmade vouchers so that her mama could redeem them for laundry service via this grandma for a few times after she was home with the new baby - slip one "Hamper Liner" out with the dirty laundry and slip another one in the wastebasket to start all over, again.

I've been selling a "Hamper Liner" for $15 and at craft shows have run a show special of $20 with the wastebasket - I got a good deal on a stack of wastebaskets at Meijer a while back, and believe me $20 is a great deal on a cute hamper - trust me, I've shopped many stores before Emma was born.

Here's a sampling of Hamper Liners I have made.  I'd also be happy to make one with your fabric choice.

I will post pictures of some other things a little later, but for now here's a description of some of them...

Most recently I've been making tote bags and diaper pouches.  The tote bags can be used for a small diaper bag, a purse, or just a tote bag to throw some things in and head out the door.  The diaper pouches are designed so that you can tuck it in your larger diaper bag and then pull it out when you have to head in somewhere to change the baby.  They hold two or three diapers and a travel size pack of baby wipes.  I'm selling the "Pack-n-Go" tote bags for $20 (they are about 13x13) and a "Diaper Pouch" for $6.50 (is 6x9).

You know, it's not so much about the diaper bag fitting your boy or girl baby - it's more that it's something mom wouldn't mind carrying.   I would always be willing to make a baby themed set for someone, but I like that I've created this line more with mom in mind.

Beside the baby things, I've made some little bags that I've named "Scrappy Bags" because I wanted to find a way to use my little scraps from other projects.  Our almost 10 year old granddaughter loves hers.  It is perfect for a little pad of paper & a pen, her CD's fit in it, and she says it's the perfect size for her DS.  I've sewn them together leaving the raw edges exposed.  They are embellished with a fabric flower and I've been selling them for $7.50.

"Cross My Heart" pins were created with Valentine's Day in mind but I'm liking the idea of them for year round.   They have a cross charm sewn onto a pretty heart with a pin back attached.  They can be worn on your lapel or you could hang them from a pretty ribbon in a special place.  I've attached them to a card so you could add a message on the inside, "Crossing my heart and praying for you", "I cross my heart and promise I will always love you"... you get the idea.   I sold them for $3.50 at the last craft show.

"A Piece from the Past" are things that I've made that include some vintage element.  I've found that linen napkins, doilies, hankies, and small tablecloths work great in creating a special occasion baby blanket.  The prices vary depending on what I have to pay for the vintage part.   I've found that many people have these things tucked away in boxes or dresser drawers and are excited to have them find a new purpose where they can be seen.  I'm always looking for pieces so if you have some pieces you would part with, I'd be happy to talk price.  Also, if you have a special piece you'd like turned into something for your own family, I'd be happy to talk to you about doing that, too.

What's next... I'm really liking the whole recycle/repurposing thing so am coming up with some ideas to run with.  I think you'll start seeing some cute envelope purses made out of vintage linens and dresses.  Those little "Scrappy Bags" would be cute using old jeans and such for the main element.  Flower pins are all the go right now, so I'm thinking a little vintage flare for some of those would be great, too.

For now, I'm headed back to my sewing room to finish creating Tiffani's cheerleader's bag that will hold her shoes, clothes, and pom poms.  I have it started with an old pair of my jeans and some patriotic fabric - some good red, white, and blue will go well with her red pom poms.   I'll take a picture when I'm done and will post it along with pictures of the things I've mentioned above.

I hope this gives you a little glimpse inside my "Simply by Marge" world.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You Might Already Be There!

Setting goals in my life has been a lot like, "I'm going to start fresh and set some goals for the first of the year".  Missed that one!  How about my birthday, January 30?  Missed that one!  How about on Monday?  Missed that one many times!!!!!

I've discovered that I've lived the majority of my life without much in the line of goals.  I think it was more that I was just living my life.  Why did I need goals?  Each day something seemed to come along that would get my feet headed in the direction I felt I needed to go.  If I had goals where would I even find the time to work on them?

That kind of thinking has landed me right where I am today - still wondering where I'm going.  The saying, "If you don't know where you're going, you might already be there" is so, so true.  I'm afraid that I've found "there" and discovered that it wasn't where I wanted to be.

I've had a good, full, life.  I have grown in ways I never imagined as I look back (even without goals).  I may not have had many targets to shoot for, but somehow, with God's grace, I hit a few.  Would I be in a different place in my life right now had I set some goals to shoot for?  Probably.  Maybe.  Would that place be better than where I am right now?  I don't really know.

With all of that said, I have to admit that I have fumbled through life from time to time.   Yes, things usually turned out alright, but I can imagine that with some good goals in place it may have been less painful at times, and maybe I would have had the joy of achievement along the way.  Also, with some good goals in place I wouldn't have wasted precious time waiting for "life" to give me direction... I once said that I was always waiting for the next crisis because then I would know what I was supposed to be doing.  I guess I've come to understand that if I would set some goals for myself I wouldn't have to be waiting for a crisis to know what my role is.  With some goals in place I believe that in the next chapter of my life that I can live a more meaningful life, on purpose, by choice, and not by sitting around and waiting to see what in life might give me direction.

Yes, I missed the first of the year, my birthday, a few Mondays, but tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and I feel that is a good starting point for some new goals.  The time between Ash Wednesday and Easter is just enough time to form some better habits, work toward some goals, and set me on a path to knowing more of where I'm headed.  I have had a good life and I do know my ultimate goal of where I want to end up, but there is a life here on earth that I still need to be making the most of. 

My new journey starts tomorrow.  I'm setting some goals for myself so that I will be headed somewhere and not just stuck "there".  "There" has been a good place but I believe that "somewhere" will be much better.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wrapped in Love

A few months after my mother passed away my younger brother welcomed his first grandchild into the family.  Out of seven kids in my family he was the only one that hadn't had the opportunity to share a grandchild with my mom.   I kept feeling that I needed to do something to show my brother that this little baby was still connected to my mom even though she wouldn't meet her in this life here on earth.   This is when I turned on the creativity that had been hiding deep inside and made little Ella a blanket...

Through tears, I cut apart a pair of my mother's slacks and a blouse that she had worn.   As I began to piece the little squares together I realized there weren't enough to make a very big blanket, so I started looking through some more of her things - yes, a hankie will do.   So one of my mother's hankie's became the center of the blanket and it made it just the perfect size.

Hmmmmm - I had this pocket left over from the blouse. What could I do with the pocket?  Well, I stitched it onto the blanket and made a little heart to fit in it - another little piece of love.

So the first memory blanket was created and shared - not just a blanket from me, but a blanket from my mom.  It was a way to show that my mother will never really be gone.  She lives on in our hearts and in our lives.  Her love will live on and on and on... we can share that love with each new baby that is born into our family by sharing our memories of her and how she so loved her family.  For me, I found a way to wrap that baby in her love - a love that flows from generation to generation - a blanket pieced with the very clothes that my mother wore and a hankie that was always neatly tucked away in her dresser drawer.

Ella's blanket.
My mother's will to live was so strong right up until the point the doctors said they couldn't do anymore for her.   She loved her family so much.  Through years of illness, her will to live was kept strong by looking forward to the next family event, the next visit from a friend or relative, and the next due date for a new baby to be born into the family.  I'm trying to keep her love of family going strong as I stitch together a blanket here and there for a new family member so that they can be "Wrapped in Love".
Emma's blanket - our new grandbaby.
This blanket was made from two of my mom's blouses and a hankie (not even one of her hankies, but I liked that vintage touch in the center of the blankets).  This blanket didn't go together well because of the silky fabrics.  I almost decided to start over with different fabrics, but then I walked into my dad's one day and he had that picture of my mom out on the kitchen table - she was wearing one of the blouses I had cut into blanket squares... I had to be using the right clothes even through it was a struggle to sew.  I can't begin to share how touched I was when little Emma showed up at church one Sunday dressed in a cute little yellow outfit, and this blanket wrapped around her - wrapped in my mother's love.

Monday, February 13, 2012

One of these days...

Yes, one of these days - one of these days I'll find the time to tell you all about my journey to finding some peace and contentment in my life at a point I felt a bit lost.  It's funny how things just seem to happen, and then you look back and see how you've turned the corner, climbed out of the pit, found a breath of fresh air.

I've always been a rather crafty, creative person.  That had all been put on the back burner, though, to take care of some other important things in my life - a journey I'll share at another time.  For now, I'm crafting again.  I'm creating again.  I'm sewing again.  I'm finding peace and contentment in the time I'm spending in my sewing room.  It's refreshing to be inspired by people and things around me and to become creative once again.

I don't know where life is taking me, but for right now I'm going to enjoy this time.  You may see me around at a local craft fair or begin to see some posts with more content - who knows, maybe even some pictures.  Yes, that would all be good... one of these days I'll add a little more.  Right now a grandchild knocks at my door and they take priority.